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Game Time is Here…Make Your Time Count With Educational Games Part 2

July 12th, 2011

Game Time is Here…

Make Your Time Count

With Educational Games Part 2

Engaging in educational games to improve learning is a win-win situation because just the action of playing a game puts your body and mind into a more relaxed state. When you are in a relaxed state, it is easier to learn. Think about this, when you are scared or feel that something is hard, it is. Your mind usually becomes closed to the ideas. Your body tenses up. Sometimes your shoulders even rise. You become in a state of fight or flight rather than in a state of receptivity.
So, one of the best ways to improve learning skills is to do a learning activity that is fun and can be done in a relaxed environment. That is what playing educational games do.

How Do You Choose Educational Games?

The Sentence Zone. On the other hand, if you want to improve reading comprehension, the ability to comprehend and utilize the information you read, you will want a game that teaches you to find the main idea or details while you play. In this case you will want to play the educational games like The Comprehension Zone. Additionally, if your child needs extra practice with math calculation accuracy, The Math Zone is a perfect choice for you.

As you know, there are many educational games to choose from. Remember, you want to be sure the game is fun but will actually teach the skills your child needs extra practice with.

What Parents Have to Say About Educational Games, Specifically The Comprehension Zone

“I absolutely love games that teach. Game playing is more effective, in my opinion, as my kids tend to learn things they enjoy more quickly than things they dislike.” Lori S

The Comprehension Zone holds the interest of my children. The long-term carry over is there. Every single solitary child improves his comprehension and his note taking and ability to condense things down into meaningful sentences. Every day we play The Comprehension Zone ends with fun and my children get to learn something without feeling like they are learning.” Marcia B

The Comprehension Zone game has been an answer to prayer, a break-through for our child who has struggled with auditory comprehension for years. We began playing The Comprehension Zone often. The improvement was rapid and dramatic! By the end of the second time playing our child was able to play without my previous modifications and currently it is easy enough for him to pick out facts while listening and know he likes to try reading the card himself. We’ve tried things similar to this in the past, we’ve been focused on this problem for years, but The Comprehension Zone has been the first activity that has been successful.” Kimberly O

The Comprehension Zone builds life-long skills for learning success. It carries over to all of their learning. I am so impressed. My children love playing and I love that they are learning at the same time!” Leslie K

The Comprehension Zone game, it was fun playing but the results of playing were amazing. My son could finally pick out main ideas and details from what he read. He was excited because work that he struggled with was now easy. All from playing a game. Thanks Bonnie!” Karen M

Add The Comprehension Zone to your supply of educational games today and see your child’s reading and listening comprehension improve daily!

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