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‘Family Activities’ Blog Posts

New Year Family Activities

New Year’s Activities for Kids and the Family

December 27th, 2023 2023-12-28T10:53:01-08:00 2023-12-27T08:00:51-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

New Year celebration activities can be perfect for taking a little bit of time to reflect on the previous year and talk about wishes for the New Year. What do you want to do more of? What do you want to avoid? This day has always been a day to gather with those who are included in your family. Here are 5 new year celebration activities for your family and friends to celebrate with.

Family Crafts and Things to Do This Holiday

December 18th, 2023 2023-12-22T10:49:41-08:00 2023-12-18T08:00:36-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Quality family time can be the backbone for the learning experiences your children will build from. Make sure to take this opportunity over the holiday break to bring the family together for positive learning experiences.

Holiday Family Activities

10 Holiday Family Activities

December 12th, 2023 2023-12-22T11:10:45-08:00 2023-12-12T06:00:00-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

10 fun family activities to do over the holidays. These activities not only bring fun to the family but they also improve learning skills too. Activities vary from game night (with suggested games), to movie night, to special decorating activities.

Halloween Math Activities

Halloween Activities for Kids – Improve Math Skills… Spooky Thought!

October 24th, 2023 2023-10-25T09:22:22-07:00 2023-10-24T09:00:01-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

There are so many ways you can improve math skills while having fun on Halloween. Math concepts keep getting refined as you get older. However, these activities can be used at any age for fun learning and review. Remember, sorting and categorizing items is critical to learning math concepts. Classifying is the action of putting objects into sets based on common traits. You can even chart your results.

Kids Valentine's Day Educational Activities

Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids

February 6th, 2020 2020-02-06T10:07:47-08:00 2020-02-06T08:30:12-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Try a few educational Valentine’s Day Activities for kids to improve auditory processing skills and overall learning skills.

Family Thanksgiving Activities

5 Thanksgiving Activities for the Family

November 24th, 2019 2023-10-31T11:33:10-07:00 2019-11-24T09:00:50-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to spend time with your family. I’ll be with my kids, grandkids, and husband. This year we’ll be celebrating at our house. My children and 3 new grandchildren will be here. I’m so excited! We are getting ready with some simple Thanksgiving activities that will get both the kids and adults engaged in a great time. That makes for a happy mom and grandmom!

Family Activity: Go to the Museum

As Summer Break is Winding Down, Get in a Few Family Activities

July 24th, 2017 2018-09-01T00:04:59-07:00 2017-07-24T22:17:43-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Summer break is winding down, but there is still time to have fun and bring your child’s skills up. There is nothing like taking the last few weeks of the summer and infusing in some extra fun while gearing your kids up for the new school year. This is especially important if your kids have any learning problems, dyslexia, or ADHD. Giving your kids the best start you can is one of the most important things you can do as a parent.

family activities

6 Fun Family Activities Prevent the Summer Slide!

July 19th, 2017 2018-12-12T16:04:18-08:00 2017-07-19T15:17:48-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

It’s not too late to prevent the summer slide with fun family activities. The activities are geared for elementary, middle, and high school kids. Listen to the audio. Activities include weekly trips, nature adventures, and home activities.

4th of July Family Activities: Improve Learning Skills

4th of July Family Activities Improve Learning Skills

July 2nd, 2017 2017-07-03T19:29:06-07:00 2017-07-02T22:13:50-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Participate in fun family activities on July 4th to improve learning skills. You can do some simple activities on July 4th and give your learning skills a boost. Relay races and games can and do build learning skills.

rhymth band sand blocks

How to Make Homemade Instruments

June 21st, 2016 2016-06-22T00:44:11-07:00 2016-06-21T07:00:55-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Summer time is here, the perfect time to explore and make musical instruments. You can use cans or boxes with strings, rubber or leather, etc. to make them.

family activities

Mother’s Day Family Activities Improve Memory Skills

May 3rd, 2016 2016-05-03T22:44:14-07:00 2016-05-03T22:27:37-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Family activities improve memory skills. So many kids have trouble remembering what they have read or watched or have done. Learn what you can do to help them improve memory skills.

Holiday Activities Reduce Stress Over the Holidays for Dyslexia and ADHD

December 5th, 2015 2015-12-05T02:29:05-08:00 2015-12-05T01:40:36-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Holiday Activities: Keeping my children engaged over the holidays can be daunting or it can be fun. I don’t like being stressed so I always think of a plan to keep everyone engaged in a variety of activities that can be done without a ton of running around. To that end, I have created the following list of family holiday activities. Each activity builds family comradery as well as learning skills.

holiday activities for ADHD and Dyslexia

Reduce Holiday Stress…with 7 Holiday Activities for Dyslexia and ADHD Kids

November 25th, 2015 2016-02-02T23:12:57-08:00 2015-11-25T01:56:11-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry
ADHD or Dyslexia...Reduce Holiday Stress... Register for the FREE Webinar NOW! Learn 7 Holiday Activities for Dyslexia and ADHD Kids You know as well as I time can be stressful for our learning challenged kids, especially those with ADHD or dyslexia. Did you know...there are specific things you can do to lessen your stress [...]
family summer activities for kids, summer slide, family activities

This Summer Give Your Kids a Summer Academic Advantage

June 5th, 2015 2016-06-22T00:46:26-07:00 2015-06-05T00:27:26-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

On the Academic Advantage Webinar you will learn the simple steps you can take this summer so your kids not only have fun but they also improve their learning skills. Those that attend will also get a complimentary copy of the BT Family Activity Book.

Remember, studies show that kids that do some learning activities on a regular basis over the summer gain an additional 3 to 6 months of knowledge. Those that don’t lose a minimum of 2 1/2 months of the knowledge they learned the prior school year.

summer activities for kids

Summer Activities for Kids Give an Academic Edge

June 1st, 2015 2017-05-18T22:05:32-07:00 2015-06-01T22:58:55-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Summer break is upon us. How do you keep your kids engaged over the summer? And is it important to keep your kids engaged and learning?

During summertime your kids are active but not necessarily hitting the books. Kids that don’t engage in any learning activities over the summer lose 2 1/2 months of the prior school year. Those that do, retain knowledge and gain an additional 3 months of academic skill.

Learn step-by-step how to set your summer up for success!

family activities

Family Activities for Spring Break

March 31st, 2015 2016-03-14T20:18:35-07:00 2015-03-31T01:40:42-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

One of the best parts of spring break was the break away from ‘all things school.’ Little did I know then that I was learning just the same. Trips to the Art Institute, the Museum of Science and Industry, or the Natural History Museum were often on our schedule.

Of course game playing was also a big part of spring break as well as the extra time to read pleasure books.

So, my gift to you is a short list of family activities…excerpts from The BT Family Activity Book. Get more of the over 80 activities here.

St Patrick Day

St. Patrick’s Day Family Activities

March 10th, 2015 2022-03-09T11:49:52-08:00 2015-03-10T00:02:08-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, so I thought I’d give you a couple of suggestions for St. Patrick’s Day activities.

Historically St. Patrick’s Day was only celebrated by the Irish. Now it is celebrated worldwide – celebrating Irish culture with parades, dancing, special foods and a whole lot of green.

Growing up Irish, my family always celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green. In fact we often made a point of wearing green most of the month of March. My mom and day would only play Irish music during the month. Of course there was nothing like marching in the St Patrick Day Parade in Chicago with the river dyed green in celebration. See 7 family activities here…

random acts of kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 14th, 2015 2015-02-28T02:36:54-08:00 2015-02-14T01:34:23-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Spending time thinking about and doing a random act of kindness is important, not just on February 17th, when it is celebrated, but as many days as you can. Start the discussion at dinnertime. Talk about what you did or what you can do tomorrow as a random act of kindness. The more you share, the more acts of kindness you will think of.

Improve Reading and Writing Skills with Family Activities

January 28th, 2014 2016-02-25T01:09:40-08:00 2014-01-28T16:42:01-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Awaken the Scholar Within Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Program is designed specifically for struggling learners who are falling through the cracks: kids with dyslexia, ADHD, learning challenges, Autism, or even gifted learners who just take too long to do their homework. Filled with simple activities that are easy for anyone to implement in just […]

Best Family Activities Improve Reading Skills Quickly

November 12th, 2013 2016-02-25T01:09:40-08:00 2013-11-12T20:19:33-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Can Family Activities Improve Reading and Writing Skills and Family Education Too? Awaken the Scholar Within Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Program is available online.  Bonnie Terry states, “I especially designed this program for struggling learners that are falling through the cracks, those kids with dyslexia, ADHD, learning challenges, Autism, or that are even gifted […]

Family Activity Uses Halloween Memories to Improve Learning Skills

November 1st, 2013 2015-10-30T21:59:02-07:00 2013-11-01T14:54:03-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

A Family Activity That Keeps Your Halloween Memories and Improves Learning Skills and Writing Skills     If your Halloween was anything like ours, your whole family had a GREAT time, and you have a lot of wonderful memories. One thing to do can to save those recent memories is to capture them in a […]

Fun Halloween Learning Activities

October 28th, 2013 2016-02-25T01:09:40-08:00 2013-10-28T15:37:57-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

How do you turn Halloween Activities into a Learning Experience Even if Your Kids Have Dyslexia or ADHD? Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET is a LD Specialist. Ms. Terry helps parents identify, understand, and address the underlying causes of their child’s learning problems. Dyslexic, LD and ADHD kids advance […]

More Free Holiday Educational Fun Games Gifts

December 11th, 2012 2016-02-25T00:54:21-08:00 2012-12-11T12:17:19-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

More FREE Holiday Gifts! Educational Fun Games Math Gift Is Here! Get Your Educational Fun Games Gift Valued at $75.00… A Parent Says…“Their math skills are getting stronger every time they play!”… “I had to fight the kids to complete their math papers, but I never have to fight them to play The Math Zone™. […]

Educational Fun Games for the Holidays Gift 2: Improves Comprehension Skills

December 7th, 2012 2016-02-25T00:54:21-08:00 2012-12-07T12:42:09-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Educational Fun Games Holiday Gift Is Here… Reading and Listening Comprehension Gifts! Get Your Educational Fun Games Gift Valued at $175.00… A Parent Says…“I Would Happily Pay Double”… “The Comprehension Zone: Rocket Rap had amazing results for one of our children. For our child who has always struggled with comprehension, for these results, I would […]

10 Tips for Choosing Educational Fun Games + a Gift

December 4th, 2012 2016-02-25T01:13:13-08:00 2012-12-04T12:42:00-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

10 Tips for Choosing Educational Fun Games and 3 Holiday Gifts for You… Sentence Zone Game today! Fun Educational Games for the Holidays and Beyond! I think most parents are similar to me…we all want the best for our kids. We want them to have down time during their vacations but we don’t want them […]

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